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Warbow Wales Polo shirt (K400 Black) £25.50 each + £5 P+P



Warbow Wales logo patches will be available at shoots.  

These are 4" x 2" in size and priced £7

Here in Wales we have our own medieval bracer found in the bilges of the Newport Medieval Ship, a 1400s merchant vessel unearthed in 2002.  On the right is a reconstruction by Jeremy Spencer.  These are available from priced £65 with a choice of buckle

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Fancy making your own Mary RoseLyverye Arrow?  You can order M2 'Tudor Bodkins' arrowheads from Master Craftsman, Jeremy Spencer.  £7.50 each + P&P

Or the whole arrow.  This is a replica of MR AZ4272/19.  It features an hand-forged M2 head, aspen shaft, silk bindings, swan or goose fletchings, a reinforced horn nock and Verdigris shaftment compound. £35 each



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Self Welsh yew and elm warbows made to your custom specifications

POA.  Email for a discussion on your bow

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