Historical Events
Historical Events
Historical Events
Historical Events

Croeso/Welcome Warbow Wales is the home of the Welsh medieval longbow. We shoot the bow of Medieval Wales in historical archery events. Shoots are free and open to all competent longbow archers.
The Welsh Warbow

Contact yeomanbowman.com
Warbow Wales Polo shirt (K400 Black) £25.50 each + £5 P+P
Warbow Wales logo patches will be available at shoots.
These are 4" x 2" in size and priced £7

Here in Wales we have our own medieval bracer found in the bilges of the Newport Medieval Ship, a 1400s merchant vessel unearthed in 2002. On the right is a reconstruction by Jeremy Spencer. These are available from yeomanbowman@hotmail.com priced £65 with a choice of buckle

Fancy making your own Mary RoseLyverye Arrow? You can order M2 'Tudor Bodkins' arrowheads from Master Craftsman, Jeremy Spencer. £7.50 each + P&P
Or the whole arrow. This is a replica of MR AZ4272/19. It features an hand-forged M2 head, aspen shaft, silk bindings, swan or goose fletchings, a reinforced horn nock and Verdigris shaftment compound. £35 each
Email yeomanbowman@hotmail.com

Self Welsh yew and elm warbows made to your custom specifications
POA. Email yeomanbowman@hotmail.com for a discussion on your bow