Historical Events
Historical Events
Historical Events
Historical Events

Croeso/Welcome Warbow Wales is the home of the Welsh medieval longbow. We shoot the bow of Medieval Wales in historical archery events. Shoots are free and open to all competent longbow archers.
The Welsh Warbow
If you want to know anything more about Warbow Wales or the Welsh longbow, please contact us at...
Warbow Wales’s events are co-ordinated by
Meistr y Targedau / Captain to the Marks - Jeremy Spencer
Clerc y Cwrs / Clerk to the Course - Alistair Aston

Jeremy is a man of Monmouth, a place steeped in archery history, and a passionate adherent of the shooting and making the Welsh warbow. The weapon is a defining part of his life and founded Warbow Wales to promote the warbow in its own country.
He is proud to be Master Warbowyer of the Traditional Craft Guild of Bowyers and Fletchers which he is Warden of. He has also achieved a Bronze Certificate in recognition of craftmanship in bowyery from the medieval guild The Worshipful Company of Bowyers. Jeremy is also an active member of The Society of Archer Antiquaries and his research profile includes medieval and Tudor military history and experimental archaeology. He has had several academic papers on medieval and Tudor archery published.
For Warbow Wales, he has run numerous longbow shoots within Wales and its borders for a number of years.
Within the sport, he held the FITA World Flight Record for the longest shot with a heavy longbow and wooden arrow whilst shooting for his shire of Monmouth and was the first longbow archer to break the 400 yard mark.
Shooting a Welsh yew warbow, he has featured on many TV programmes and radio interviews with his archery and as a historical consultant. He has written several warbow articles for 'The Glade International' archery magazine and other publications. This year, Jeremy was honoured to be asked to be part of the Agincourt 600 Wales celebrations to mark Wales' part in the battle.
In 2019 he made the iconic replica yew warbow replica on display at the Medieval History Center of Azincourt (Centre Historique Médiéval d'Azincourt)
He also makes props and weaponry for both the big and small screen and once equipped half of Ramesses’ army with bows.
Alistair is based in Cardiff and an elemental and integral part of Warbow Wales and co-runs its shoots in his homeland with Jeremy, often laying out its challenging and enjoyable courses.
Alistair is, without question, one of the worlds leading flight heavy longbow archers and holds records with many societies. He is also a Master Warbowyer of the Traditional Craft Guild of Bowyers and Fletchers and sits upon its Court. .
He is a three-time British Unlimited draw-weight longbow flight champion, shooting an official world record of 371 yards with a Welsh self-yew bow and wooden arrow. With a self longbow, this distance has never been bettered.
Being an authority on the history of the warbow, Alistair is a published author of academic papers and has lectured on the longbow as a weapon of war.
He is also a member of the Traditional Craft Guild of Bowyers and Fletchers.
A growing number of archers at Warbow Wales events are very lucky to own a beautiful longbow made by Alistair.
He has also worked as an archery consultant and bowyer on a number of major motion pictures and television programmes providing materials, technical support and archery training.
Mr Brian Lee Warbow Wales Cymwynaswr / Benefactor
Warbow Wales holds a special debt of gratitude to its benefactor, Brian Lee.
Brian has been a long-time friend of the warbow and has held shoots on his beautiful farm in Welsh Newton for many archery groups, always free of charge and always with the most generous hospitality. He has used his extensive network of friends to enable Warbow Wales to shoot on some of the finest archery locations around and is a constant source of good advice and ideas.
Brian is also an accomplished warbowyer who, ten years ago, was one of the first to source, research and re-create that most Welsh of weapons, the heavy wych elm warbow. He is always willing to share knowledge and supply bow making materials for cost to help the enable the spread of longbow making and shooting.
He is also a longtime member or the BL-BS and the prestigious Herefordshire Bow Meet Society.